Nemesis (votive statue)
Egypt. 2nd cent. CE.
H. 86 cm.
Inv. Nos. MNE 798 / Ma 4873.Paris, Louvre MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Nemesis (votive statue).

Egypt. 2nd cent. CE.
H. 86 cm.
Inv. Nos. MNE 798 / Ma 4873.

Paris, Louvre Museum.

From the Ali de Gizeh collection. Purchased by the Louvre in 1980.
The base of the statue bears a votive inscription from Ptollanubis.
© 2014. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Info: museum annotation.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque θεά νέμεσις dea nemesis goddess nemesi göttin déesse némésis egypt egyptian egitto egiziano ägypten ägyptischer ägyptische ägyptischen egypte égyptienne figurine figurines statuette statuettes statuetta ἀδρήστεια adrasteia adrastea marble marmo marmor marbre μάρμαρο endromis endromidis endromides cothurnus topboot boot boots stivali endromide stiefel stiefeln bottes ἐνδρομίς alatus alata winged geflügelte ailée φτερωτό φτερωτή rota fortunae wheel of fortune fate ruota della fortuna glücksrad fortunas rad roue de τροχός της τύχης high-girded belt alta cinto cintura fascia altocinto votive votivo votiva votiv votif braided hair capelli intrecciati geflochtenes haar cheveux tressés ptollanubis inv no mne 798 ma 4873