Ptolemy II and Arsinoe (the “Gonzaga Cameo”)
Sardonyx.3rd century BCE.
15.7 × 11.8 cm. Inv. Nos. ГР-12678 / Ж. 291.Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
Ptolemy II and Arsinoe (the “Gonzaga Cameo”).
3rd century BCE.
15.7 × 11.8 cm.
3rd century BCE.
15.7 × 11.8 cm.
Inv. Nos. ГР-12678 / Ж. 291.
Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).
Came to the Museum from the Josephine de Beauharnais collection in 1814.
Before 1630 belonged to the Gonzagas, Dukes of Mantua.
From 1630 to 1648 was housed in the Habsburg treasury in Prague Kremlin.
From 1648 to 1689 was owned by the Swedish Queen Christina.
In 1689 found its way into the collection of the Dukes of Odescalchi;
in 1794 was acquired for the Vatican by Pope Pius 6th.
In 1798 the cameo was brought to France.
Before 1630 belonged to the Gonzagas, Dukes of Mantua.
From 1630 to 1648 was housed in the Habsburg treasury in Prague Kremlin.
From 1648 to 1689 was owned by the Swedish Queen Christina.
In 1689 found its way into the collection of the Dukes of Odescalchi;
in 1794 was acquired for the Vatican by Pope Pius 6th.
In 1798 the cameo was brought to France.
Stefani, Putevoditel, str. 72; N. E. Makarenko, Khudozhestvennye sokrovishcha Ermitazha, Petrograd, 1916, str. 240, ris. 87; M. I. Maksimova, Kameya Gonzaga, Leningrad, 1924; Maksimova, Reznye kamni, str. 94, tabl. IV; Vystavka portreta, str. 21; E. Babelon, La gravure en pierres fines: camées et intailles, Paris, 1894, p. 135, fig. 104; Furtwängler, Die antiken Gemmen, Taf. LIII, 2; G. Rodenwaldt, Kunst der Antike, Propyläen-Kunstgeschichte, III, Berlin, 1944, Abb. 422; M. Bieber, The Portraits of Alexander the Great, Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 93, 1949, p. 390, fig. 3; W. Kaiser, Ein Meister der Glyptik aus Umkreis Alexanders des Großen, JDI, 77, 1962, S. 227, Abb. 7; G. Richter, The Engraved Gems of the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans, I, London, 1968, p. 155, Nr 611.
© 1971. Photo, text: Neverov O. Antique cameos in the Hermitage Collection. Aurora Art Publishers. Leningrad. 1971. P. 75—76, pl. 1
Keywords: gemma glyptics gem gems glittica gliptica gemme glyptik glyptique hellenistic egypt egitto tolemaico ellenistico ägypten égypte hellénistique καμέα κάμερες cameo cameos cammeo cammei kamee camée kameo απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt sardonyx sardonica male female of ptolemy ii philadelphus and arsinoe the gonzaga philadelphos helmet ptolemaios aegis auspices headpiece with laureate wreath armour head medusa gorgon evil genius horror inv no гр-12678 ж. 291