римский император с нач. 244 г. по сент.-окт. 249 г.
Отацилия Севера, жена Филиппа Араба
Сестерций, медь
Дата чеканки: 246—247 гг.*
Монетный двор: Рим, 4-я мастерская
вес: 18.67 г
диаметр: 29.5 мм
ось: 12 ч.
АВЕРС:MARCIA OTACIL. SEVERA AVG. — дра­пи­ро­ван­ный бюст Ота­ци­лии Севе­ры, в сте­фане, обра­щен­ный впра­во.
РЕВЕРС: CONCORDIA AVGG. — Кон­кор­дия (Согла­сие) сидит на троне вле­во, дер­жит пате­ру в пра­вой руке и двой­ной рог изоби­лия — в левой.
В поле, сле­ва и спра­ва: S. C.
Ссылки: RIC IV. 3 Philippus I 203a (Common)
Cohen V Otacilia Severa 10 (c Fr.)
Sear RCTV (2005) III 9164 (F $50, VF $120, EF $400)
Hunter 14
Banti 4
Online: OCRE
Сохранность: EF
* Дата чеканки: 246—249 гг., Рим (RIC); 245—247 гг., Рим (RCTV); 246—247 г., Рим, 4-я мастерская, 3-й выпуск (CNG).
Описание аверса и реверса приводится по RIC.
From the Jack A. Frazer Collection. Ex CNG Inventory 52413 (February 1995).
Classical Numismatic Group — Auction Triton XXIII, lot 821 (15.01.2020).
Оценочная стоимость: 500 USD. Цена реализации: 750 USD.
Источник: https://acsearch.info
RCTV (Sear), т. III, с. 172, к №№ 9140—9234 (2005 г.):


Marcia Otacilia Severa was the wife of Philip I, though very little is known of the biographical details of her life. She may have been of noble Roman birth, as suggested by her name, though if so we can only speculate on how she came to marry the son of an Arab chieftain. She gave birth to their only son, the younger Philip, about seven years before her husband’s accession to the throne and was accorded the title of Augusta early in the reign. She enjoyed a generous share of the imperial coinage, with one of the six officinae of the Rome mint being assigned to the production of issues in her name. Antioch also struck antoniniani for her, though these are by no means common. Otacilia’s ultimate fate is shrouded in mystery. She was in Rome at the time of her husband’s defeat by Decius in AD 249, but it is unclear whether she was murdered by the praetorians at this time or merely permitted to retire into private life.

There are three principal varieties of obverse legend and two varieties of obverse type:




a. Diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa right.

b. Diademed and draped bust of Otacilia Severa right, crescent behind shoulders.

RIC references are to the coinage of Philip I.