Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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2041. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus of a boy depicting of a scene from his life. Right short-side panel.
White marble.
2nd half of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. 411.
Ravenna, National Museum.
2042. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Statue of a boy with a dog.
White-reddish marble (marmo bianco cremisi).
1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. 2245.
Ravenna, National Museum.
2043. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Lying Silen.
White marble.
First half of the 2nd cent. CE (?).
Inv. No. 2246.
Ravenna, National Museum.
2044. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait head of a woman.
Mid-2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. 3780.
Ravenna, National Museum.
2045. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Tyche.
Third quarter of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. No. 6000.
Ravenna, National Museum.
2046. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Altar relief with representation of members of gens Julia-Claudia (right part).
42—43 CE.
Inv. No. 6.
Ravenna, National Museum, First cloister.
2047. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary stele containing a portrait busts and a scene of shipbuilding (“the Longidien stele”).
Limestone. First half of the 1st century CE (the museum dating).
Inv. No. 7.
Ravenna, National Museum, First cloister.
2048. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary stele containing a portrait busts and a scene of shipbuilding (“the Longidien stele”). The upper register.
Limestone. First half of the 1st century CE (the museum dating).
Inv. No. 7.
Ravenna, National Museum, First cloister.
2049. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary stele containing a portrait busts and a scene of shipbuilding (“the Longidien stele”). The medium register.
Limestone. First half of the 1st century CE (the museum dating).
Inv. No. 7.
Ravenna, National Museum, First cloister.
2050. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Funerary stele containing a portrait busts and a scene of shipbuilding (“the Longidien stele”). The lower register.
Limestone. First half of the 1st century CE (the museum dating).
Inv. No. 7.
Ravenna, National Museum, First cloister.
2051. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Head of a “Philosopher”.
Bronze. 450—400 BCE.
Inv. No. 17096.
Reggio di Calabria, National Museum of Magna Grecia.
2052. SCULPTURE. Magna Graecia.
Head of a “Philosopher”.
Bronze. 450—400 BCE.
Inv. No. 17096.
Reggio di Calabria, National Museum of Magna Grecia.
2053. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of a female deity.
Greek marble.
Early 1st cent. BCE.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
2054. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Idealized male portrait (Genius?).
Early imperial age.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
2055. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Ornamental clay slab of the Campana type with vintage scene.
Age of Augustus.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
2056. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Satyr and Maenad.
2nd—1st cent. BCE.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
2057. MOSAIC. Rome.
Ships in a port.
Part A of a floor mosaic from the grand triclinium of the Palazzo Diotallevi.
Mid-2nd century CE.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
2058. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of Augustus.
Age of Augustus (27 BCE — 14 CE).
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
2059. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Portrait of Augustus.
Age of Augustus (27 BCE — 14 CE).
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
2060. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Head of Apollo.
Age of Augustus.
Rimini, Civic Museum Luigi Tonini.
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