Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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801. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A votive monument (so-called “Altar of Angera”).
Marble from Ornavasso-Candoglia. 41—54 CE.
Inv. No. A 0.9.6774.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
802. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A votive monument (so-called “Altar of Angera”), detail.
Marble from Ornavasso-Candoglia. 41—54 CE.
Inv. No. A 0.9.6774.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
803. SCULPTURE. Rome.
A votive monument (so-called “Altar of Angera”). Left side.
Marble from Ornavasso-Candoglia. 41—54 CE.
Inv. No. A 0.9.6774.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
804. TOREUTICS. Rome.
Patera from Parabiago (scheme).
Inv. No. A0.9.14264.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
805. TOREUTICS. Rome.
Patera from Parabiago.
Silver with traces of guilding.
Second half of the 4th century.
Inv. No. A0.9.14264.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
806. TOREUTICS. Rome.
Patera from Parabiago. Detail: Cybele and Attis on his chariot, drawn by lions.
Silver with traces of gilding. Second half of the 4th century.
Inv. No. A0.9.14264.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
807. TOREUTICS. Rome.
Patera from Parabiago. Detail: dancing Corybantes.
Silver with traces of guilding. Second half of the 4th century.
Inv. No. A0.9.14264.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
808. TOREUTICS. Rome.
Patera from Parabiago. Detail: Oceanus, Thetys, Tellus and the fous seasons.
Silver with traces of guilding. Second half of the 4th century.
Inv. No. A0.9.14264.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
809. TOREUTICS. Rome.
Patera from Parabiago. Detail: Selene and Hesperus.
Silver with traces of guilding. Second half of the 4th century.
Inv. No. A0.9.14264.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
810. TOREUTICS. Rome.
Patera from Parabiago. Detail: Aeon, Atlas and Zodiac.
Silver with traces of guilding. Second half of the 4th century.
Inv. No. A0.9.14264.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
811. TOREUTICS. Rome.
Patera from Parabiago. Detail: nymphs.
Silver with traces of guilding. Second half of the 4th century.
Inv. No. A0.9.14264.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
Inscribed slab in honour of Germanicus.
Rosy marble. After 18 CE.
AE. 1995. 650.
Inv. Nos. A 0.9.17675 / St. 8628.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
813. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Marble. Roman copy of the 1st century BCE after a Greek original of the 3rd century BCE.
Inv. No. ST 138509.
Milan, Civic Archaeological Museum.
814. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Empress Theodora, wife of Justinian I (presumably).
Marble. 6th cent. CE.
Inv. No. 755.
Milan, Museums of Castello Sforzesco.
815. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Empress Theodora, wife of Justinian I (presumably).
Marble. 6th cent. CE.
Inv. No. 755.
Milan, Museums of Castello Sforzesco.
816. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Empress Theodora, wife of Justinian I (presumably).
Marble. 6th cent. CE.
Inv. No. 755.
Milan, Museums of Castello Sforzesco.
817. SCULPTURE. Asia.
Sarcophagus with Eroses and garlands.
White marble.
2nd—3rd cent. CE. Asia Minor.
Inv. No. 204.
Milan, Poldi Pezzoli Museum.
818. SCULPTURE. Asia.
Sarcophagus with Eroses and garlands.
White marble.
2nd—3rd cent. CE. Asia Minor.
Inv. No. 204.
Milan, Poldi Pezzoli Museum.
819. MILITARY ART. Southern Italy.
Anatomical cuirass.
4th century BCE.
Inv. Nos. 2424 / 2425.
Milan, Poldi Pezzoli Museum.
820. MILITARY ART. Southern Italy.
Anatomical cuirass. Detail.
4th century BCE.
Inv. Nos. 2424 / 2425.
Milan, Poldi Pezzoli Museum.
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