Photographer: Ilya Shurygin (3663 photo)
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1701. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Apollo Citharede and Victory. Relief.
1st cent. BCE, restored in mid-18th cent.
Inv. Nos. MR 749 / Ma 964.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1702. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Togate figures before the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus Capitolinus. Right panel of the relief “Sacrifice in Front of the Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus”.
Marble. Ca. 118—125 CE.
Inv. No. MR 792 (MA 1089).
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1703. SCULPTURE. Greece.
Panathenaic Procession. Ergastines. Frieze of Parthenon. The Eastern face.
Penthelic marble.
445—438 BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 825 / Ma 738.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1704. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Apollo Citharede and Victory. Relief.
100—75 BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 866 / Ma 965.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1705. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus of the Muses.
Rome. First half of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. Nos. MR 880 / Ma 475.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1706. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus of the Muses (front panel).
Rome. First half of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. Nos. MR 880 / Ma 475.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1707. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sarcophagus of the Muses (relief of the lid).
Rome. First half of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. Nos. MR 880 / Ma 475.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1708. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Diogenes (sarcophagus of the Muses, right side).
Rome. First half of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. Nos. MR 880 / Ma 475.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1709. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Socrates (sarcophagus of the Muses, left side).
Rome. First half of the 2nd cent. CE.
Inv. Nos. MR 880 / Ma 475.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1710. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Borghese vase.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work of the second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 985 / Ma 86.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1711. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Borghese vase.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work of the second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 985 / Ma 86.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1712. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Borghese vase.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work of the second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 985 / Ma 86.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1713. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Borghese vase. Detail: Dionysus, Ariadne and dancing satyr.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work of the second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 985 / Ma 86.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1714. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Borghese vase. Detail: satyr and drunken silenus.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work of the second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 985 / Ma 86.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1715. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Borghese vase. Detail: satyr playing aulos.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work of the second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 985 / Ma 86.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1716. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Borghese vase. Detail: satyr and maenads.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work of the second half of the 1st century BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 985 / Ma 86.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1717. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sosibios vase.
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work ca. 50 BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 987 / Ma 442.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1718. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Sosibios vase (close-up).
Pentelic marble.
Neo-attic work ca. 50 BCE.
Inv. Nos. MR 987 / Ma 442.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1719. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Circa 31 BCE.
Inv. Nos. NIII 1035 / Ma 1233.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
1720. SCULPTURE. Rome.
Circa 31 BCE.
Inv. Nos. NIII 1035 / Ma 1233.
Paris, Louvre Museum.
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