Hestia, Zeus and Ganymede
Painting of red-figure kylix by Oltos.
Ca. 510 BCE.
Tarquinia, National Archaeological Museum

Hestia, Zeus and Ganymede.

Painting of red-figure kylix by Oltos.
Ca. 510 BCE.

Tarquinia, National Archaeological Museum
(Tarquinia, Museo archeologico nazionale).

Hestia, the goddess of family rest holding a branch with fruits, and Ganymede pouring wine to Zeus are represented.
© 1995. Photo, text: Sofia Suli. Grecheskaya mifologiya. Athens, Mihalis Tubis A. E., 1995, s. 47.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque γανυμήδης ganymede ganymedes catamitus ganimede ganymed ganymède θεά ἑστία εστία dea hestia goddess estia göttin déesse ζεύς δίας zeus ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce red-figure red-figured kylix by oltos and vesta branch fruit fruits chair furniture garment garments clothes clothing patera jug pitcher ear-ring thunderbolt