Pastoral scene (Infant Jupiter on the island Crete)
Nicolaes (Claes) Pietersz Berchem (1620—1683).
Oil on canvas. Ca. 1680. 92 × 87 cm.
Signature on the right of below: N. Berchem
Inv. No. ГЭ 10089.Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum

Pastoral scene (Infant Jupiter on the island Crete).

Nicolaes (Claes) Pietersz Berchem (1620—1683).
Oil on canvas. Ca. 1680. 92 × 87 cm.
Signature on the right of below: N. Berchem
Inv. No. ГЭ 10089.

Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).

Receipt: 1969, through the Expert-purchasing commission of the State Hermitage.
© Photo, text: Antichnoe nasledie v iskusstve Zapadnoi Evropy. Katalog vystavki. s. 56—57 cat. No. 49.
© 2004 — Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh, Sankt-Peterburg.
© 2004 — AO “Slaviya”, Sankt-Peterburg.
© 2004 — OOO “Kompaniya “Bazovyi element”, Moskva.
Keywords: μοντέρνα ζωγραφική modern painting painter pittura moderna pittore malerei maler peinture moderne peintre oil on canvas pastoral scene infant jupiter the island crete nicolaes claes pietersz berchem signature n iupiter juppiter iuppiter jovis iovis jove giove zeus nymph ida nymphs mountain mountains goats goat amaltheia inv no гэ 10089