“Gemma Claudia”
Five-layered onyx; setting: gold band.Ca. 49 CE.
Height 12 cm. Inv. No. IXa 63.Vienna, Museum of Art History
“Gemma Claudia”.
Five-layered onyx; setting: gold band.
Ca. 49 CE.
Height 12 cm.
Ca. 49 CE.
Height 12 cm.
Inv. No. IXa 63.
Vienna, Museum of Art History
(Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum).
On the left of “Cameo of Claudius” emperor Claudius and his wife Agrippina Younger, on the right — Germanicus, the valorous commander adopted by Tiberius, with his wife Agrippina the Elder are represented.
© 2006. Photo, text: A Brief Guide to the Kunsthistorisches Museum. Edited by Wilfried Seipel. Vol. 4. Masterpieces in the Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Kunsthistorisches Museum. SKIRA, 2006, p. 184—185, cat. 79.
Keywords: gemma glyptics gem gems glittica gliptica gemme glyptik glyptique ρωμαίος αυτοκράτορας κλαύδιος imperator claudius roman emperor i imperatore romano claudio römischer kaiser empereur romain claude ιουλιο-κλαυδιανή δυναστεία iulio-claudia iulii-claudii julii-claudii the julio-claudian dynasty dinastia giulio-claudia julisch-claudische dynastie famille julio-claudienne julio-claudiens γερμανικός germanicus caesar re138 germanico βιψανία αγριππίνα η πρεσβύτερη vipsania agrippina maior senior elder maggiore die ältere agrippine l’aînée ιουλία νεότερη julia iulia minor re556 empress younger imperatrice romana giulia minore römische kaiserin jüngere impératrice romaine la jeune romani καμέα κάμερες cameo cameos cammeo cammei kamee camée kameo απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt römisches of a man male maschile uomo männliches mann masculin un homme woman female femminile donna weibliches frau de femme carved anaglifico intagliato handgeschnitzt five-layered onyx gold claudia eagle laurel wreath corona di alloro civil civic from oak oaken leaf leaves grain ears acorn cornucopia sword gladius shield parma helmet headpiece armour coat mail snake serpent aegis inv no ixa 63