Jason bringing the Golden Fleece to Pelias, the king of Iolcus. Detail
Red-figure crater. Apulia.
Clay. 350—340 BCE.
Paris, Louvre Museum

Jason bringing the Golden Fleece to Pelias, the king of Iolcus. Detail.

Red-figure crater. Apulia.
Clay. 350—340 BCE.

Paris, Louvre Museum.

© 1995. Photo, text: Sofia Suli. Grecheskaya mifologiya. Athens, Mihalis Tubis A. E., 1995, s. 63.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique νοτιοταλικό southitalian southern italy mezzogiorno meridione süditalienisch süditalien suditalien red-figure red-figured crater apulia apulian vase jason bringing the golden fleece to pelias king of iolcus argonaut argonauts hermes mercury mercurius footstool throne sceptre kerykeion caduceus female adornment beads bracelet spear baldric sword inv no k 127~