Procession of musicians, clowns, jugglers
Black-figure amphora with painting by the Micali Painter.
Clay. 6th century BCE.
London, British Museum

Procession of musicians, clowns, jugglers.

Black-figure amphora with painting by the Micali Painter.
Clay. 6th century BCE.

London, British Museum.

Another black-figure amphora of the Micali group from Vulci is girded by palmettes on the lower part of the body and by freize with the procession of musicians, clowns, jugglers, reminding the composition with the same content on the walls of Etruscan toms (p. 102). The figure outlines (p. 174) of this painting are slim, flexible and active, as though drawn quickly and carelessly by a skilful hand.
© Photo, text: G. I. Sokolov. Iskusstvo etruskov. M., Izd-vo “Iskusstvo”, 1990, s. 171, il. 102.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ετρουρία ετρουσκική etruria etruscan etrusco etruskisch etruskische etruskischer etruskischen étrusque black-figure black-figured amphora anfora figure nere with painting by the micali painter procession of musicians clowns jugglers palmette palmettes misicians misician clown juggler inv no 1865 0103 25