The reconstruction of a part of the Roman Forum
(Tabularium, the temple of Concord, the temple of Saturn, the Basilica Julia, the New Rostra, the Curia Julia, the Basilica Aemilia, the temple of Castor (Dioscuri), the temple of Divus Julius, the arch of August, the temple of Vesta)
Rome, Roman Forum
The reconstruction of a part of the Roman Forum.
(Tabularium, the temple of Concord, the temple of Saturn, the Basilica Julia, the New Rostra, the Curia Julia, the Basilica Aemilia, the temple of Castor (Dioscuri), the temple of Divus Julius, the arch of August, the temple of Vesta)
Rome, Roman Forum
(Roma, Foro Romano).
© 2000. Photo, text: Augenti A. Rom. Kunst und Archäologie. SCALA, Florenz, 2003. P. 16.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ρώμη rome roma rom ρωμαϊκή αγορά forum romanum roman foro romano römischer marktplatz romain arcus augusti parthian actian triumphal arch of august augustus arco trionfale di augusto partico aziaco triumphbogen actiumbogen partherbogen augustusbögen augustusbogen arcs triomphaux d’auguste arc d’actium des parthes basilica aemilia paulli pauli emilia basilique æmilia émilienne ιουλία βασιλική julia iulia giulia julienne curia curie rostra rostrum new rostri rostres tabularium tabulario aedes divi iulii temple divus julius tempio del divo giulio tempel iulius de césar du divin vestae templum vesta der ναός του κάστορα και πολυδεύκη castoris castori pollucique castor and pollux dioscuri dei càstori castortempel dioskurentempel dioscures et concordiae concord della concordia concordia-tempel concordiatempel la concorde σατούρνου saturni saturn saturno saturne reconstruction ricostruzione rekonstruktion ανασυγκρότηση the a part