Athletes with javelins and trainers
Black-figure amphora. Attic.
By the “Swing Painter”.
Clay. Ca. 530 BCE.
Height: 39.5 cm.
Inv. Nos. ГР-4412 / Б. 1485 (St. 50, Б. 180).Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum

Athletes with javelins and trainers.

Black-figure amphora. Attic.
By the “Swing Painter”.
Clay. Ca. 530 BCE.
Height: 39.5 cm.
Inv. Nos. ГР-4412 / Б. 1485 (St. 50, Б. 180).

Saint Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum
(Санкт-Петербург, Государственный Эрмитаж).

Private collection, Campana.
Unknown; from the Campana collection, acquired in 1862.
The centre of the vase features two javelin-throwers, flanked by two trainers. The bearded athlete on the left is carrying his javelin horizontally at head height, above his shoulder, and stretching his left hand forward. He will take a few more steps before taking up the throwing position. On the other side, a familiar scene: Heracles strangling the Nemean lion. The figure on the left is probably Iolaos; on the right is the goddess Athena.

L. Utkina, D. Vanhove
K. S. Gorbounova, The Attic black-figure Vases at the Hermitage (Leningrad, 1985) no. 62 p. 85.
© 1993. Photo, text: Olympism in antiquity. Olympic Museum Lausanne. Bertelsmann UFA. Industria Gráfica S. A. Barcelona, 1993, p. 102 cat. no. 45.
© Photo: M. Verhasselt (Brussels-Dilbeek).
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce athlete atleta athlet athlète athleta αθλητής youth young man giovane junge adolescent νεαρός from the campana collection collezione sammlung ephebe efebo éphèbe ephebos ephebus ἔφηβος trainer coach allenatore entraîneur paidotribes παιδοτρίβης προπονητής acontist spear javelin thrower acontistes ἀκοντιστής sport αθλητισμός athletes with javelins and trainers black-figure black-figured amphora anfora figure nere attic by swing painter of ankyle б 1485 б1485 st 50 180 б-1485 б180 inv no гр-4412