Bronze tablet from Lavinium with dedication to Castor and Pollux
Second half of the 6th century BCE.

Bronze tablet from Lavinium with dedication to Castor and Pollux.

Second half of the 6th century BCE.
1970. Photo, text: Giovanni D’Anna. “Leggende e tradizioni dell’antica Roma”. Archeo, 1970, N. 31, p.48—49.
Photo: Cortesia Univ. Roma.
© Istituto Geografico De Agostini S.p.A. — Novara
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine with dedicatory inscriptions dedicatoria widmungsinschrift weihinschrift dédicatoire bronze tablet dedication to castor and pollux from lavinium dioscuri dioskouroi