Historical episode of the liberation of Celius Vibenna by Mastarna (Etruscan name of Servius Tullius)
Fresco from the François tomb from Vulci.
Second half of the 4th century BCE.
Rome, Villa Albani

Historical episode of the liberation of Celius Vibenna by Mastarna (Etruscan name of Servius Tullius).

Fresco from the François tomb from Vulci.
Second half of the 4th century BCE.

Rome, Villa Albani.

Vulci, François Tomb.
© 1970. Photo, text: Giovanni D’Anna. “Leggende e tradizioni dell’antica Roma”. Archeo, 1970, N. 31, p. 42—43.
© Photo — Cortesia Giunti editore.
© Istituto Geografico De Agostini S.p.A. — Novara
Keywords: ζωγραφικήί pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture ετρουσκική etruscan etrusca etruskische étrusque φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural from vulci scene of the liberation celius vibenna by mastarna servius tullius aulus gnaeus tarquinius battle