The Temple of Hadrian
117—138 CE. EphesusPhoto by Boris Vlchek

The Temple of Hadrian.

117—138 CE.


Turning from the Marble Street into the Street of the Curetes one is immediately struck by a very beautiful and decorative building on the left. This is the Temple of Hadrian built between 117 and 138 A.D.
It measures 7.20 by 5 meters. The triangular pediment is supported by four Corinthian columns. The middle two columns support a rounded arch which has as its keystone a bust of Cybele. According to the Roman oracles, if it were possible to bring to Rome the sacred statue of Cybele from Pessinus in AsIa Minor, Rome would conquer Carthage. The statue was taken to Rome and in this way, since Rome was victorious over Carthage, Cybele became the emblem of Rome and of Italy.
Inside the temple on the wall immediately opposite, there is a low relief of a Medusa keeping watch with her fearful eves. On either side of the Medusa there is a frieze depicting gods, goddesses and other mythological figures connected with the foundation of the city. There are still four pedestals for statues outside the front of the building. The temple was built in the 2nd century A.D. but was always in danger from earthquakes. It was repaired at a later date at which time the relief of gods and goddesses was added.
In the opposite side of the street there is a sidewalk all paved with mosaics and, on the hill side, the terrace houses.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ephesus ephesos the temple of hadrian roman emperor aelius hadrianus corinthian style column pillar capital cap arch arcus