Achilles and Ajax playing a board game
(Achilles on the left; Ajax on the right.)Black-figure amphora (Type A). Attic.
By the Exekias Painter (potter and painter).
Clay. Ca. 530—520 BCE.
Height 61 cm (24 in.). Inv. No. 16757.Rome, Vatican Museums, Gregorian Etruscan Museum
Achilles and Ajax playing a board game.
(Achilles on the left; Ajax on the right.)
Black-figure amphora (Type A). Attic.
By the Exekias Painter (potter and painter).
Clay. Ca. 530—520 BCE.
Height 61 cm (24 in.).
Black-figure amphora (Type A). Attic.
By the Exekias Painter (potter and painter).
Clay. Ca. 530—520 BCE.
Height 61 cm (24 in.).
Inv. No. 16757.
Rome, Vatican Museums, Gregorian Etruscan Museum
(Roma, Musei Vaticani, Museo gregoriano etrusco).
Achilles and Ajax playing a board game. The names of Ajax and Achilles are inscribed, and they call out the numbers on the dice, three (tria) and four (tessara), which are inscribed as if issuing from their mouths. A kalos inscription is on the right, and Exekias’s signature (as potter) is on the left. If this scene was invented by Exekias, as some scholars believe, it must have been the prototype for the scene on figure 59.
© 2002 J. Paul Getty Trust.
A. J. Clark, M. Elston, M. L. Hart. Understanding Greek vases: a guide to terms, styles, and techniques. Los Angeles, 2002, p. 41, fig. 29.
A. J. Clark, M. Elston, M. L. Hart. Understanding Greek vases: a guide to terms, styles, and techniques. Los Angeles, 2002, p. 41, fig. 29.
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ελλάδα grecia graecia hellas greece griechenland grèce ἀχιλλεύς αχιλλέας achilleus achilles hero eroe achille heros achill héros αἴᾱς τελαμώνιος μέγας αίας ο ajax the great telamonian aiace telamonio held aias der telamonier große τρωικός πόλεμος bellum troianum trojan war guerra di troia trojanischer krieg guerre de troie technique tecnica vasenmalerei αττική attika attica attic attique μελανόμορφη black-figure black-figured a figure nere schwarzfigurige schwarzfiguriger à figures noires αμφορέας amphora anfora amphore type belly tipo profilo continuo typ bauchamphora armour armor armatura rüstung armure πανοπλία crista crest crested helmet elmo crestato kammhelm casque crête κράνος λοφίο κρωβύλος κρώβυλος shield scudo schild bouclier ασπίδα barba barbatum beard bearded man uomo barbuto bart bärtiger mann barbe homme barbu γενειάδα γενειοφόρος άνθρωπος knemis knemides ocrea ocreae greave greaves schiniere schinieri gambiera gambieri beinschiene beinschienen cnémide cnémides κνημῖδες hasta spear lancia speer lance δόρυ corinthian corinzio korinthische helm corinthien κορινθιακό vulci from viterbo exekias painter potter vasaio ceramista ceramografo pittore töpfer und vasenmaler exekias-maler potier et peintre exékias ἐξηκίας εξηκίας warrior guerriero greco griechisch griechischer krieger guerrier grec dice game of gioco dadi würfelspiel jeu dés and playing board e intenti un da tavolo beim brettspiel jouent aux και αίαντας παίζουν πεσσούς inv no 16757