Heracles killing the Pharaon Busiris. Detail
Caeretan hydria. Eastern Greek.Clay. Ca. 520—510 BCE.
Height 45.5 cm. Inv. No. IV 3576.Vienna, Museum of Art History
Heracles killing the Pharaon Busiris. Detail.
Caeretan hydria. Eastern Greek.
Clay. Ca. 520—510 BCE.
Height 45.5 cm.
Clay. Ca. 520—510 BCE.
Height 45.5 cm.
Inv. No. IV 3576.
Vienna, Museum of Art History
(Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum).
© 2007 Photo, text: M. Siebler. Iskusstvo Drevnej Grecii. Izd-vo «ART-RODNIK», 2007. S. 48—49. ISBN 978-5-9794-0012-9.
© Photo: Koppermann / Kühling / Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptotek, München.
© Photo: Koppermann / Kühling / Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptotek, München.