30—50 CE.
Inv. No. 749.Copenhagen, New Carlsberg GlyptotekPhoto by Sergey Sosnovskiy


30—50 CE.
Inv. No. 749.

Copenhagen, New Carlsberg Glyptotek
(København, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek).

Found in the Licinian Tomb in Rome.
This portrait of a mature man may represent Marcus Licinius Crassus, who, like Pompey, was an ancestor of the Licinius Crassus Frugi who built the burial chamber from which the portraits come.
(сс) 2008. Photo: Sergey Sosnovskiy (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Text: museum inscription to the sculpture.
Keywords: portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt απεικόνιση of a man male maschile uomo männliches mann masculin un homme porträtbüste roman romana römisches romain unknown ignoto unbekannter inconnu άγνωστος romano römischer lucius calpurnius piso caesoninus pontifex lucio calpurnio pisone cesonino pontefice marcus licinius crassus marco licinio crasso μάρκος λικίνιος κράσσος sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur γλυπτική romani römisch römische römischen romaine romains romaines ρωμαϊκό bust busto büste buste προτομή marble marmo marmor marbre μάρμαρο from the licinian tomb licinii von aus dem liciniergrab inv no 749