Tomb II. Loculi
Hellenistic period (3rd—1st centuries BCE).
Paphos, Tombs of the KingsPhoto by Sabina Tariverdieva

Tomb II. Loculi.

Hellenistic period (3rd—1st centuries BCE).

Paphos, Tombs of the Kings.

The tomb consists of a stepped dromos with 12 steps, an atrium and a burial chamber, the roof of which is dug out in the shape of a barrel vault. This chamber contains 3 loculi and 3 shaft graves. The same tomb was altered at a later stage, most probably during Roman times. The entrance to the tomb and the door of the burial chamber were built up and the atrium was roofed by a barrel vault. Openings were dug on three sides of the atrium to support the vault. The fourth, south side became the new entrance. Two more burial niches were dug out on the west and north sides of the new chamber. Two altars were also carved on the north side above the burial niche. A well, dug into the solid rock, was found in the southwest corner of the tomb. According to the excavator, the tomb was used only during the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
© 2008. Photo: S. Tariverdieva.
© 1982 Text: Hadjisavva M. “The Tombs of the Kings. A Colour Guide with an Introduction to Ancient Paphos”. P. 7.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ελλάδα graecia greece greek grecia greca greco greche griechenland griechische griechisches grèce grecque grecquesё tombs of the kings rock cut chamber tomb burial loculus loculi niche vault