The Temenos of the Late Bronze Age Building
Ca. 1200 BCE.
Kouklia (Paliapaphos), Temple of AphroditePhoto by Sabina Tariverdieva

The Temenos of the Late Bronze Age Building.

Ca. 1200 BCE.

Kouklia (Paliapaphos), Temple of Aphrodite.

The Temenos area was enclosed by a monumental wall of enormous limestone blocks, of which the western side and part of the south side are preserved. An unexplained feature of the Temenos wall are deep, irregular holes in the limestone blocks, which can hardly have been of any use in transporting or handling the blocks; J. von Hammer-Purgstall’s improbable idea that they served for the transmission of oracles found much favour with later visitors.

The entrance in the western Temenos wall, from which steps lead down into the Temenos, is possibly a medieval structure. Yet the hollowed limestone slab opposite the entrance, discovered underneath a later Roman pavement, dates from the Late Bronze Age. This shallow basin, set into the floor of the Temenos, may have been used for ritual ablutions by worshippers or for the deposition of votive gifts. A battered limestone block between the basin and the Hall is also still in its original position and may have served as a base for horns of consecration or a square capital with stepped sides. Both types of votive monuments, common to the Late Bronze Age sanctuaries of Cyprus, were found on the site (the best preserved specimens are displayed opposite the Temenos wall). The Temenos must once have housed one or several altars of which no traces survive.

© 2008. Photo: S. Tariverdieva.
© 2004 Text: Maier F. G. “Guide to Paliapaphos (Kouklia)”. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation. Nikosia. PP. 41—43.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ελλάδα graecia greece greek grecia greca greco greche griechenland griechische griechisches grèce grecque grecquesё paliapaphos kouklia sanctuary of aphrodite temple afrodite venus venere temenos sacred enclosure wall