Agora in Athens
Reconstruction by Georg Rehlender (1845—1892).
Agora in Athens.
Reconstruction by Georg Rehlender (1845—1892).
Image: Giro P. Chastnaja i obwestvennaja zhizn’ grekov. Petrograd. Izdanie t-va O. N. Popovoj, 1915, inset between pp. 232—233.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ελλάδα graecia greece greek grecia greca greco greche griechenland griechische griechisches grèce grecque grecquesё αθήνα athenae athens athenian atene ateniese athen athenisch athènes athénien μοντέρνα ζωγραφική modern painting painter pittura moderna pittore malerei maler peinture moderne peintre georg rehlender city reconstruction agora in parthenon acropolis propylaea propylea propylaia the areopagus statue of pallas athena athene