Bullfight in the Mausoleum of Augustus
Watercolor by B. Pinelli (1781—1835).
Rome, Campus Martius, Mausoleum of Augustus
Bullfight in the Mausoleum of Augustus.
Watercolor by B. Pinelli (1781—1835).
Rome, Campus Martius, Mausoleum of Augustus
(Roma, Campo Marzio, Mausoleo di Augusto).
© 2005. Photo, text: Gabucci A. Guide to Ancient Rome. Electa, Milano, 2005, pp. 96—97.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur μοντέρνα ζωγραφική modern painting painter pittura moderna pittore malerei maler peinture moderne peintre ρώμη rome roma rom μαυσωλείο του αυγούστου mausoleum augusti of august augustus mausoleo di augusto augusteo augustusmausoleum mausolée d’auguste bartolomeo pinelli by bull toro stier taureau taurus βόδι ταύρος watercolor acquerello aquarell aquarelle bullfight in the augustus
campus martius
fight bull-fight corrida