Ulysses and Circe
The shorter side of a sarcophagus from Torre San Severo.Late 4th century BCE. Orvieto, Claudio Faina Archaeological Museum
Ulysses and Circe.
The shorter side of a sarcophagus from Torre San Severo.
Late 4th century BCE.
Late 4th century BCE.
Orvieto, Claudio Faina Archaeological Museum.
© 2007 Photo, text: Guide to the places of the Etruscans. SCALA Group S.p.A., Florence, p. 42.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ετρουρία ετρουσκική etruria etruscan etrusco etruskisch etruskische etruskischer etruskischen étrusque ανακούφιση relief reliefs rilievo rilievi reliefe κηδεία γλυπτική funeral funeraria begräbnisskulptur funéraire the shorter side of a sarcophagus sarkophag sarcofago from torre san severo ulysses and circe friend friends odysseus ulixes with pig swine hog head heads armour sword female garment garments clothes clothing outerwear