The South Stoa
Ca. 100 CE.
Kouklia (Paliapaphos), Temple of AphroditePhoto by Sabina Tariverdieva

The South Stoa.

Ca. 100 CE.

Kouklia (Paliapaphos), Temple of Aphrodite.

The South Stoa formed an oblong hall with a mosaic floor, once measuring 56 x 10.50 m, surrounded on all sides by a raised platform. Only a tiny fraction of this floor, decorated with elaborate geometric patterns, survives today at the western end of the building — although a considerable part of it still existed in 1888. A row of Doric columns in the central axis, resting on square bases, supported the roof. On the south side a flight of steps (of which the rectangular foundations survive) led down into Sanctuary I. (…)

The building apparently served as cultic banqueting halls — a type of building developed from the original Greek banqueting hall by substituting continuous platforms for the individual stone-built klinai. On these raised platforms, about 0.80 m high, the worshippers rested during meals. The lay-out of the hall is closely related to similar buildings in the sanctuary of Apollo Hylates at Curium, erected after the earthquake of AD 76/77, and at Pergamon. Unfortunately, no existing text refers to banquets as part of the cult ceremonies of Aphrodite Paphia.

© 2008. Photo: S. Tariverdieva.
© 2004 Text: Maier F. G. “Guide to Paliapaphos (Kouklia)”. Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation. Nikosia. P. 48—49.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ελλάδα graecia greece greek grecia greca greco greche griechenland griechische griechisches grèce grecque grecquesё paliapaphos kouklia sanctuary of aphrodite temple afrodite venus venere south stoa portico flute column remains columns