Gaius Julius Caesar
White marble with grayish patina.
Flavian time (69—96 CE).
Height of the head 0,28 m.
Inv. No. 1931/32, 46.Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities

Gaius Julius Caesar.

White marble with grayish patina.
Flavian time (69—96 CE).
Height of the head 0,28 m.
Inv. No. 1931/32, 46.

Leiden, National Museum of Antiquities.

Praetorium of the fortress of the legio X in Nimeda on the boundary between Netherlands and Germany, probably made for the decoration of this building.
In the nose is drilled a hole that seems to be ancient. Traces after fire on the back.
W. C. Braat, OudhMeded 20 (1939), p. 24f., pl. 20—22.
F. Johansen, «Antichi ritratti di C. Giulio Cesare nella scultura», Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 4 (Copenhagen, 1967), p. 30, pl. 8.
Römer am Rhein: Ausstellung des Römisch-Germanischen Museums Köln, ex. cat. (Cologne, Kunsthalle, 1967), A6, p. 134
Artefact: 150 Jaar Rijksmuseum von Oudheden, Leyden 1818—1968, ex. cat. (Leiden, Rijksmuseum von Oudheden, 1968), pl. 92.
© 1987. Photo, text: Johansen F. S. «Portraits in Marble of Gaius Julius Caesar: a Review». Ancient Portraits in the J. Paul Getti Museum. Vol I. 1987, p. 22—23.
Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt of a man male maschile uomo männliches mann masculin un homme portraitkopf roman romana römisches romain romano römischer δικτάτορα γάιος ιούλιος καίσαρ dictator gaius julius caesar caius iulius dittatore gaio giulio cesare diktator cäsar dictateur jules césar γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romani römisch römische römischen romaine romains romaines κεφάλι κεφαλή head testa kopf tête white marble marmo bianco weiße weißer marmor marbre blanc λευκό μάρμαρο inv no 1931 32 46