Unknown Roman. (Gaius Julius Caesar?)
Pentelic marble.
Height: 0.365 m.
Inv. No. 75.AA.46.Los Angeles, John Paul Getty Museum, Getty Villa in Malibu

Unknown Roman. (Gaius Julius Caesar?)

Pentelic marble.
Height: 0.365 m.
Inv. No. 75.AA.46.

Los Angeles, John Paul Getty Museum, Getty Villa in Malibu.

In 1957 was in the collection of Count Blücher van Wahlstatt but is now in the Getty Museum.
The portrait is ancient. Frel writes, “Above the forehead on both sides are two small rounded indented protuberances (puntelli) that were not afaced after the process of reproduction. They demonstrate that the Blüher Caesar is a reproduction of a well-known type and thus a celebrity”. The two puntelli actually demonstrate that the head is a rather rough work, and there are many examples in Republican portraiture of similar leftovers. The portrait is a nameless Republican and a rather uninteresting one at that.
L. Curtius, «Ein neues Bildnis des Julius Caesar», in E. Boehringer and W. Hoffman, ed., Robert Boehringer: Ein Freundesgabe (Tübingen, 1957), p. 153.
F. Johansen, «Antichi ritratti di C. Giulio Cesare nella scultura», Analecta Romana Instituti Danici 4 (Copenhagen, 1967), p. 54.
J. Frel, «Caesar», GettyMusJ 5 (1977).
J. Frel, Roman Portraits in the J. Paul Getty Museum, ex. cat. (Tulsa Oklahoma, Philbrook Art Center, и Malibu, The J. Paul Getty Museum, 1981), No. 6.
P. Zanker, «Das Bildnis des M. Holconius Rufus» AA, 1981, p. 357, n. 27.
J. Chamay, J. Frel и J.-L. Maier, Le Monde des Césars, ex. cat. (Geneva, Musée d’Art et d’histoire, 1982), pl. 4.
© 1987. Photo, text: Johansen F. S. «Portraits in Marble of Gaius Julius Caesar: a Review». Ancient Portraits in the J. Paul Getti Museum. Vol I. 1987, p. 33, 35, 38.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines άγνωστος unknown ignoto unbekannter inconnu απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt of a man head julio-claudian dynasty dinastia giulio-claudia julii-claudii dictator gaius julius caesar gaio giulio cesare cäsar g108 caius iulius aa 46 inv no 75