The altar of Magna Mater
Front face and right face.
Luna marble. The time of Claudius (41—54 CE).
Height 0,87 m, width 0,59 m, depth 0,51 m.
CIL VI 494, 30777 = ILS 4096.
Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum

The altar of Magna Mater.

Front face and right face.
Luna marble. The time of Claudius (41—54 CE).
Height 0,87 m, width 0,59 m, depth 0,51 m.
CIL VI 494, 30777 = ILS 4096.

Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum
(Roma, Musei capitolini, Museo Centrale Montemartini).

Discovered on the bank of the Tiber below the Aventine under the papacy of Clement XI between 1700 and 1721.
© 2007. Photo, text: E. W. Leach. Claudia Quinta (Pro Caelio 34) and an altar to Magna Mater. Dictynna, No. 4 (2007), pp. 1—2, 15, fig. 2.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines βωμός altare altar autel luna marble luni marmo lunense relief votive inscription magna mater deorum great mother of gods cybele ship salvia claudia quinta g679 synthyche rope infula chain throne aedicula temple veil chiton himation tympanum cymbal pedum cil vi 494 30777 ils 4096