Altar of the Lares Augusti. Winged Victory with the Clupeus Virtutis
Marble. 12—2 BCE. Inv. No. 1115.Rome, Vatican Museums, Gregorian Profane MuseumPhoto by Sergey Sosnovskiy

Altar of the Lares Augusti. Winged Victory with the Clupeus Virtutis.

Marble. 12—2 BCE.
Inv. No. 1115.

Rome, Vatican Museums, Gregorian Profane Museum
(Roma, Musei Vaticani, Museo gregoriano profano).

Inscription on the shield:

CIL VI 876 = ILS 83 = AE 1980, 40
Senatus populusq(ue) / Romanus / Imp(eratori) Caesari divi f(ilio) Augusto / pontif(ici) maxum(o!) / imp(eratori) co(n)s(uli) trib(unicia) / potestat(e)

The Senate and Roman people to Imperator Caesar Augustus, the son of the Divine, pontifex maximus, imperator, consul, [invested] with tribunician power.

The altar of the Lares Augusti has been erected in 12 B.C. (according to T. Kraus, Das Römische Weltreich, Berlin 1967, no. and fig. 180), or between 12 and 2 B.C. (according to T. Hölscher, Historische Reliefs (in:) Kaiser Augustus und die Verlorene Rebublik, Berlin 1988, pp. 394—396, no. 223), or in 7 B.C. (according to P. Zanker, Augustus under die Macht der Bilder, Munich 1987, p. 222, fig. 177).

(сс) 2008. Photo: Sergey Sosnovskiy (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Keywords: ρωμαϊκή μυθολογία mythologia romana roman mythology mitologia römische mythologie romaine βικτώρια dea victoria winged goddess victory alata vittoria geflügelte göttin personifikation personnifie victoire déesse ailée γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romano romani römisch römisches römischen römischer romain romains romaines βωμός altare altar autel ανακούφιση relief rilievo marble belvedere of augustus pontifex maximus the lares augusti julio-claudian dynasty dinastia giulio-claudia julii-claudii emperor octavian august octavianus ottaviano augusto flying nike nika golden round shield with inscription clypeus clupeus virtutis two laurel tree trees cil vi 876 senatus populusque romanus imperatori caesari divi filio pontifici maxumo consuli tribunicia potestate inv no 1115