Delphian charioteer. Detail
Bronze. Second quarter of the 5th century BCE. Delphi, Archaeological Museum

Delphian charioteer. Detail.

Bronze. Second quarter of the 5th century BCE.

Delphi, Archaeological Museum
(Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Δελφών).

© 1963 Photo, text: Kolpinskij Ju. D. Skulptura Drevnej Ellady. Moskva, 1963. Ill. 54.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur greek greca greco greche griechische griechisches grecque grecquesё χάλκινο bronze bronzo bronzeo bronzen statue of the auriga charioteer delphi driver delphian delphic bandage fillet band