Atrium Vestae after AD 191. (House of Vestals)
Plan. Rome, Roman ForumPhoto by Olga Lyubimova

Atrium Vestae after AD 191. (House of Vestals).


Rome, Roman Forum
(Roma, Foro Romano).

1. Temple of Vesta
2. Cult shrine
3. Republican-period slabs re-used in the imperial period
4. Kitchen
5. Apsidal hall, cult-related?
6. Statues of the Vestals
7. Basins/fountains
8. Mills
9. Kitchen
10. Open courtyard
9. Storeroom with amphorae
11. Hall with six small rooms, for the Vestals?
12. Portico along the Via Sacra
13. Shops
14. The house of the Vestals before AD 64 (in red)
(сс) 2011. Photo: Olga Lyubimova (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Text: tablet on the Roman Forum.
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ρώμη rome roma rom atrium vestae house of the vestals virgins casa delle vestali haus der vestalinnen maison des vestales vesta domus publica pontifex maximus plan scheme