Marble. Augustan Age.
Height 110 cm, width 57 cm, depth 42 cm.
Arezzo, Civic Archaeological MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin


Marble. Augustan Age.
Height 110 cm, width 57 cm, depth 42 cm.

Arezzo, Civic Archaeological Museum.

Found in 1933 in Piazzetta di Porta Crucifera.
Representation of the myth of the Capitoline she-wolf breast feeding the tweens Romulus and Remus under an oak tree in front of astonished Mars and Faustulus. However the legend speaks of a fig tree (ficus ruminalis). The two sides are embellished by two winged female figures taken from the neo-Attic repertoire.
Del Vita, in Illustraz. It. 1934, tav. a p. 765;
A. Del Vita, Ara Marmorea trovata presso Porta Crucifera, in Notizie degli Scavi di antichità comunicale alla R. Accademia dei Lincei, Roma, 1934, pp. 429—433, tav. XV—XVI;
Strong, in Scritti in onore di B. Nogara, 1937, p. 475, tav. LXVIII, 5;
Mostra Augustea della romanità: appendice bibliografica al catalogo (ed. Catia Caprino), L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma, 1968, p. 25, cat. no. 29;
Jane DeRose Evans, The Art of Persuasion: Political Propaganda from Aeneas to Brutus, Michigan, 1992, p. 72.
© 2010. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Details: museum accompanying materials.
Add. inf.: listed literature.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines βωμός altare altar autel ανακούφιση relief rilievo ρωμαϊκή μυθολογία mythologia mythology mitologia mythologie θεός μαρς deus mars god dio marte gott dieu ρωμύλος romulus romolo ρήμος ρώμος remus remo rémus lupa capitolina capitoline wolf she-wolf kapitolinische wölfin louve marble oak tree faustulus