The naiskos with the figure of enthroned Kybele. (On antae is represented Hermes Kadmilos and Hecate.)
Marble votive relief. Second half of the 4th century BCE. Berlin, State Museums, Pergamon MuseumPhoto by Sergey Sosnovskiy

The naiskos with the figure of enthroned Kybele. (On antae is represented Hermes Kadmilos and Hecate.)

Marble votive relief. Second half of the 4th century BCE.

Berlin, State Museums, Pergamon Museum
(Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Pergamonmuseum).

From Pireus.
Conze A. Beschreibung der antiken Skulpturen mit Ausschluss der pergamenischen Fundstücke: mit 1266 Abbildungen im Text / herausgegeben von der Generalverwaltung. Berlin, Verlag von W. Spemann, 1891, S. 258, Kat. Nr. 692.
(сс) 2008. Photo: Sergey Sosnovskiy (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Text: museum inscription to the sculpture.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur greek greca greco greche griechische griechisches grecque grecquesё decorative decorativa dekorative décorative ανακούφιση relief rilievo ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca mythology mitologia mythologie ἑρμῆς ερμής ἑρμείας hermeias hermes ermes ermete hermès κυβέλη κυβήβη μάτερ θεών cybele cybebe kybele magna mater great mother cibele grande madre große göttermutter megále meter cybèle déesse mère ἑκάτη εκάτη dea hecata hecate hekate goddess ecate hekat göttin hécate marble votive consecratory dedicatory naiskos naos anta antae on the throne of gods rhea enthroned kadmilos cabiri artemis calathos calathus calathischus lighted torch torches patera female garment garments clothes clothing outerwear long chiton footstool panther wild predatory animal cat pediment tambourine