Boundary stone with the Law of the Sacred Grove (cippus B) — rear surface
Limestone. Second half of the 3rd centuy BCE.
CIL XII, nota al 366.
Spoleto, Civic Archaeological MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Boundary stone with the Law of the Sacred Grove (cippus B) — rear surface.

Limestone. Second half of the 3rd centuy BCE.
CIL XII, nota al 366.

Spoleto, Civic Archaeological Museum.

From Castel Ritaldi, loc. San Quirico.
advorsum ead / violasit Iovei / bovid piaclum / dato seiquis scies / violasit dolo / malo et Io[vei] / bovid piacl[um dato] / et a(sses) CCC mo[ltai sunto] / eius piacli e[xactio] / [dicatori esto]

...profanes it, they will pay atonement to Jupiter with an ox; if anyone knowingly and with ill-intention profanes it, to Jupiter they will pay atonement with an ox and 300 asses will be the fine. The atonement and the fine will be exacted by the dicator.

© 2010. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Info: museum information materials.
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine law decree legge decreto gesetz verordnung erlaß loi décret limestone boundary stone terminus cippus of the sacred forest lex luci lvci b advorsum ead violasit iovei bovid piaclum dato seiquis scies dolo malo et asses ccc moltai sunto eius piacli exactio dicatori esto cil xii 12 nota al 366