Epitaph of Cornelia Gaetulica
Inscription on a slab that covered a cinerarium.
Rome, Tomb of the ScipiosPhoto by Ilya Shurygin
Epitaph of Cornelia Gaetulica.
Inscription on a slab that covered a cinerarium.
Rome, Tomb of the Scipios.
A niche covered with the slab was excavated in 18th century, and was rediscovered in 1926.
CIL VI 1392 = CIL VI 31643 = ILS 958
Cornelia / Gaetulici f(ilia) / Gaetulica
Cornelia Gaetulica, the daughter of Gaetulicus.
Cornelia / Gaetulici f(ilia) / Gaetulica
Cornelia Gaetulica, the daughter of Gaetulicus.
Original of the slab is presented in Vatican Museums. In situ in the Tomb of the Scipios a copy is installed.
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine gravestone funerary inscriptions epitaph in pietra tombale epitaffio grabstein-inschrift de pierre épitaphe via appia antica tomb of the scipios hypogeum hypogaeum sepulcrum scipionum sepolcro degli scipioni cornelia gaetulici filia gaetulica cil vi 1392 31643 ils 958