Relief with a scene of the Calydonian Hunt
Marble. Age of Hadrian. Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Gladiators MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Relief with a scene of the Calydonian Hunt.

Marble. Age of Hadrian.

Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Gladiators Museum.

From amphitheatre of Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Capua antica).
The relief served as a part of decoration of one of the passages through which the crowds could “spew out” at the end of a show (vomitorium).
© 2012. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines ανακούφιση relief rilievo ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ἄρτεμις dea artemis goddess artemide göttin déesse artémis μελέαγρος meleagros meleager meleagro méléagre ἀταλάντη αταλάντη atalante atalanta καλυδώνιος κάπρος aper calydonius sus calydonian boar hunt cinghiale di calidone calidonio caccia calidonia kalydonische eber eberjagd sanglier de calydon decorativo decorativa decorativi decorative dekorativ décoratif ornemental marble amphitheatre of campania vomitorium vomitoria anfiteatro campano gun dog bow spear