Dionysiac lenos-sarcophagus with the vintage scenes
White marble. Beginning of the 3rd cent. CE.L 2.05 m; H 0.61 m. Salerno, CathedralPhoto by Ilya Shurygin
Dionysiac lenos-sarcophagus with the vintage scenes.
White marble. Beginning of the 3rd cent. CE.
L 2.05 m; H 0.61 m.
L 2.05 m; H 0.61 m.
Salerno, Cathedral
(Cattedrale di Salerno).
© 2012. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines κηδεία funeral funerary funeraria funerario begräbnisskulptur beerdigung funéraire ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ρωμαϊκή διώνυσος dionysus dioniso dionysos μαινάδα μαινάδες mainades maenas maenades maenad maenads menade menadi mänade mänaden ménade ménades πάν πανός deus pan god dio hirtengott divinité σάτυρος σάτυροι satyros satyroi satur saturus satyr satyrs satiro satiri satyrn satyre satyres σειληνός seilenos silenus sileni selenus papposilenus silenuses sileno papposileni silenos silen papposilen silène papposilène ἔρως έρως eros éros amor cupid amore cupido amour ἀριάδνη αριάδνη ariadna ariadne arianna ariane σαρκοφάγος σαρκοφάγους sarcophagus sarcophagi sarcofago sarcofagi sarkophag sarkophage sarcophage sarcophages white marble dionysiac in the shape of a lenos bacchus bacco vintage scenes vindemialia roger borsa