Base with inscription of Marcus Fulvius Nobilior
Peperino. 187 BCE.
CIL VI 1307 = ILLRP 124 = ILS 16.
Inv. No. S 2082.Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, I. 39Photo by Olga Lyubimova

Base with inscription of Marcus Fulvius Nobilior.

Peperino. 187 BCE.
CIL VI 1307 = ILLRP 124 = ILS 16.
Inv. No. S 2082.

Rome, Capitoline Museums, Centrale Montemartini Museum, I. 39
(Roma, Musei capitolini, Museo Centrale Montemartini).

From the temple of Hercules Musarum at the Circus Flaminius, modern via de S. Ambrogio (1867).
The inscription is related to the consul that conquered Ambracia, in Epirus. The war booty that he brought back to Rome (187 BC) included a series of statues of deities such as Hercules and the Muses, to whom Fulvius Nobilior dedicated a temple in the Circus Flaminius. The sculptures became the devotional statues of the temple, a memento of this great military achievement.

CIL VI 1307 = ILLRP 124 = ILS 16.

M(arcus) Folvius M(arci) f(ilius) / Ser(vi) n(epos) Nobilior / co(n)s(ul) Ambracia / cepit

Marcus Fulvius Nobilior, the son of Marcus, the grandson of Servius, the consul, have conquered Ambracia.

(сс) 2009. Photo: Olga Lyubimova (CC BY-SA 4.0).
Text of the description: the inscruption in the museum.
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine honorary onoraria ehreninschrift honorifique peperino base dedicatory honorific marcus fulvius nobilior son grandson servius i 39 cil vi 1307 illrp 124 ils 16 folvius marci filius servi nepos consul ambracia cepit inv no s 2082