Antinous as a priest of the Imperial cult
Marble. Inv. Nos. MN 1534 / Ma 1781.Paris, Louvre MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Antinous as a priest of the Imperial cult.

Inv. Nos. MN 1534 / Ma 1781.

Paris, Louvre Museum.

Vattier de Bourville expedition. Purchased by the Louvre in 1852.
© 2014. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt of a man male maschile uomo männliches mann masculin un homme porträtstatue roman romana römisches romain αυτοκρατορικό imperial imperiale kaiserliches impérial ἀντίνοος αντίνοος antinous antinoös antinoius youth antinoo antinoos antinoüs γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romano romani römisch römische römischen römischer romaine romains romaines ἄγαλμα άγαλμα statua statuae statue statues statui statuen statuons togatus togati toga in wearing togas con togate togato en toge standing piedi stehende pédestre marble marmo marmor marbre μάρμαρο corona laurea laurel wreath di alloro laureata lorbeerkranz couronne de lauriers δάφνινο στεφάνι capite velato caput velatum veiled with covered head as priest the cult come sacerdote del culto als priester des kaiserlichen kultes tant que prêtre du culte inv no mn 1534 ma 1781