Caligula, the son of Germanicus
Basalt. 17th cent. (?) Rome, Capitoline Museums

Caligula, the son of Germanicus.

Basalt. 17th cent. (?)

Rome, Capitoline Museums
(Roma, Musei capitolini).

Rome, Capitoline Museums, Palazzo Nuovo, Hall of the Emperors.
Private collection, Albani.
The Albani collection (A 7). Formerly in the Museo Capitolino, Stanza degli Imperatori 11.
Compare with the bust No. 11 of the Hall of Emperors and his condition in 1912 on a photo in the Bruckmann edition. — Site Editor’s Note.
L. Curtius, MdI 1, 1948, 55 Comments 3;
K. Fittschen — P. Zanker, Katalog der römischen Porträts in den Capitolinischen Museen und den anderen kommunalen Sammlungen der Stadt Rom 4. Kinderbildnisse. Nachträge zu den Bänden I-III. Neuzeitliche oder neuzeitlich verfälschte Bildnisse. Bildnisse an Reliefdenkmälern (Berlin 2014) Cat. no. 73 Pl. 92;
H. Stuart Jones, The Sculptures of the Museo Capitolino (Oxford 1912) 190 Cat. no. 11 Pl. 48;
F. Studniczka, AA 1910, 533.
Photo album of sculptures of the Capitoline Museums (second half of the 19th cent.). St. Petersburg University’s chair of ancient history (inv. no. 121). Photo no. 11 (10 × 14 cm).
The photographer is unknown.
Inscription on the photo: 11 — CALIGOLA FIGLIO DI GERMANICO.
Number on the base: 11.
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Keywords: απεικόνιση portrait portraiture ritratto ritrattistica porträtmalerei porträt roman romana römisches romain αυτοκρατορικό imperial imperiale kaiserliches impérial ρωμαίος αυτοκράτορας γάιος καλιγούλας imperator caius caligula emperor gaius caesar imperatore romano gaio cesare caligola römischer kaiser empereur ιουλιο-κλαυδιανή δυναστεία iulio-claudia iulii-claudii julii-claudii the julio-claudian dynasty dinastia giulio-claudia julisch-claudische dynastie famille julio-claudienne julio-claudiens γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romani römisch römische römischen romaine romains romaines προτομή bust busto büste buste basalt cuirass male of armour albani collection inv no s 2356