Altars from so-called Sanctuary of Thirteen Altars, founded in Lavinium in 6th century BCE
Built between mid-6th — 4th centuries BCE.

Altars from so-called Sanctuary of Thirteen Altars, founded in Lavinium in 6th century BCE.

Built between mid-6th — 4th centuries BCE.
Altars from so-called Sanctuary of Thirteen Altars, founded in Lavinium in 6th century B.C. Built between mid-6th — 4th centuries B.C., it is the greatest monument discovered during the excavations in Lavinium. A suggestion exists of identification of the Thirteen Altars with Aphrodisium, the temple of Venus, but the version of dedication of the monument to different gods is more probable.
© 1970. Photo, text: Giovanni D’Anna. “Leggende e tradizioni dell’antica Roma”. Archeo, 1970, N. 31, p. 17.
Photo — Cortesia Univ. Roma
© Istituto Geografico De Agostini S.p.A. — Novara
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ιταλία ιταλική italia italy italian italiana italiano italiani italien italienische italie italienne altars from so-called sanctuary of thirteen 13 lavinium altar
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