Campana plaque showing palaestra
Terracotta, traces of paint.1st cent. CE. Inv. No. AT 3700.Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine ArtsPhoto by Ilya Shurygin
Campana plaque showing palaestra.
Terracotta, traces of paint.
1st cent. CE.
1st cent. CE.
Inv. No. AT 3700.
Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
(Москва, Государственный музей изобразительных искусств имени А. С. Пушкина).
Compare with the Campana relief from the New Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen, inv. 1929.
© 2014. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Keywords: ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ἡρακλῆς ηρακλής herakles heracles èracle eracle héraclès ρωμαϊκή romana roman römische romaine hercules ercole herkules hercule γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό romano romani römisch römisches römischen römischer romain romains romaines decorativo decorativa decorativi decorative dekorativ décoratif ornemental ανακούφιση relief rilievo terracotta clay argilla terrakotta terrakotte ton terre cuite argile campana tiles tile reliefs revetment tablet tablets plate plates lastre lastra rilievi campanareliefs campanaplatten plaque plaques revêtement de garland garlands ghirlanda ghirlandi girlande guirlande serta γιρλάντα band ribbon fillet tenia tänie binden tænia ténia taenia tainia ταινία club clava keule massue lion skin pelle di leone löwenhaut haut peau du δέρμα λιονταριού roof tiling tegola tetto tegole dachziege ziegeldach tuile toit tuiles κεραμίδι κεραμοσκεπή palmette palmetta strigil strigile strigilis στλεγγίς στλεγγίδα colonnade colonnato kolonnade säulengang κιονοστοιχία column colonna kolonne säule colonne columna κολόνα στύλος pugilist pugile faustkämpfer pugiliste boxeur pugil pugilis pugilator πυγμάχος with fist leather thongs belts cinghie cuoio sulle mani cinture a pugno faust ledergürtel ceintures cuir caestus cestus corinthian order capital ordine corinzio capitello korinthische ordnung kapitell kapitäl säulenknauf ordre corinthien chapiteau ordo corinthius κορινθιακός ρυθμός κιονόκρανο portico portikus säulenhalle portique porche palm leaf branch frond of victor winner conqueror ramo fronda palma del vincitore palmwedel palmenzweig gewinnerpalme des gewinners branche palmier gagnant κλαδί φοίνικα diadem-bearer victorious athlete diadumeno anadumeno benda diademträger stirnband der sich das umlegende diadumène celui qui se ceint bandeau diadoumenos diadumenos anadumenos festoon festone feston palestra palaestra double torus statue statues athletes athlet athlets scraping oil off his body inv no at 3700