Racing chariot.
Fresco on the inside side of sarcophagus slab from a Lucanian Tomb.
Second half of the 4th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological MuseumPhoto by Ilya Shurygin
Racing chariot. Fresco on the inside side of sarcophagus slab from a Lucanian Tomb.
Second half of the 4th century BCE.
Paestum, National Archaeological Museum
(Museo archeologico nazionale di Paestum).
© 2015. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Text: museum inscription to the fresco.
Text: museum inscription to the fresco.
Keywords: ζωγραφικήί pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural μεγάλη ελλάδα magna graecia grecia grande-grèce λευκανία λουκανία lucania lucanian lucana lukanien lukanische lucanienne paestum paestan pestana paestanische paestane equus equi horse horses cavallo cavalli pferd pferde cheval chevaux ίππος άλογα quadriga quadrigae quadrige wheel ruota rad roue τροχός tack harness finimenti geschirr harnachement rein reins redini zügel rêne rênes guides bride ηνία bridle testiera zaum zaumzeug punica granatum pomegranate melograno granatapfel grenade ροδιά races gara egg moulding ovolo mouldings ovoli ove oves breast-collar collar from the tomb tombs tomba tombe lucane lukanischen grab tombeau lucanien tombes lucaniennes auriga agitator driver charioteer aurige chariot racing race carro da corsa rennwagen char de course