Three fragments of a relief with dancing nymphs
Marble.200—150 BCE. Inv. Nos. Ф-1305 / Ф-1306 / Ф-1571.Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine ArtsPhoto by Ilya Shurygin
Three fragments of a relief with dancing nymphs.
200—150 BCE.
200—150 BCE.
Inv. Nos. Ф-1305 / Ф-1306 / Ф-1571.
Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts
(Москва, Государственный музей изобразительных искусств имени А. С. Пушкина).
Julia Habetzeder. Dancing with decorum : The eclectic usage of kalathiskos dancers and pyrrhic dancers in Roman visual culture. Stockholm : Universitetsservice US-AB, 2012.
© 2014. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Data: museum annotation.
Data: museum annotation.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur greek greca greco greche griechische griechisches grecque grecquesё ανακούφιση relief rilievo ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca mythology mitologia mythologie νύμφη nymphe νύμφες nympha nymph nymphs ninfa ninfe nymphes marble dancing dance inv no ф-1305 ф-1306 ф-1571