Mosaic panel with a fishing scene
Augustan age. Rome, Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere, sacristyPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Mosaic panel with a fishing scene.

Augustan age.

Rome, Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere, sacristy
(Roma, Chiesa di S. Maria in Trastevere, sagrestia).

© 2012. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Keywords: μωσαϊκό mosaic mosaics mosaica mosaici mosaik mosaïque ρώμη rome roman roma romano rom römisches romaine tile roof tiling tegola tetto di tegole dachziege ziegeldach tuile toit de tuiles κεραμίδι κεραμοσκεπή sailing ship vessel veliero segelschiff voilier navis velifera ιστιοφόρο dolphin dolphins delfino delphin dauphin delphinus δελφίνια architecture architectural composition motive motives motif motifs architettura composizione architettonica motivo architettonico motivi architettonici architektur architektonische komposition architektonisches motiv architecturale architecturaux αρχιτεκτονική σύνθεση colonnade colonnato kolonnade säulengang κιονοστοιχία column colonna kolonne säule colonne columna κολόνα στύλος sanctuary of santuario schrein von sanctuaire sanctuarium ιερό του seascape coastal landscape paesaggio marino marittimo costiero seelandschaft küstenlandschaft paysage marin côtier boat barca boot bateau canot barque βάρκα portico portikus säulenhalle portique porche waterfront quay lungomare kai quai προκυμαία fisherman pescatore fischer pêcheur ψαράς rigging tackle cordame takelung takelage geschirr seilwaren agrès gréement sacred tree albero sacro heiliger baum arbre sacré fishing pesca angeln fischen pêche αλιεία equestrian statue statua equestre reiterstandbild équestre sacellum pier pontile seebrücke landungsbrücke estacade net rete da fischernetz filet mosaico panel