View of the acropolis in Cumae. The foundation of the temple of Apollo and the Sacred road (via Sacra)

View of the acropolis in Cumae. The foundation of the temple of Apollo and the Sacred road (via Sacra).

In his epos Vergilius describes the Aeneus’ arrival to Cumae, the last point before arrival to Lacium, and pictures the temple of Apollo and the cave of Sybilla.
© 1970. Photo, text: Giovanni D’Anna. “Leggende e tradizioni dell’antica Roma”. Archeo, 1970, N. 31, p. 52.
Photo: ACE/AFE.
© Istituto Geografico De Agostini S.p.A. — Novara
Keywords: αρχιτεκτονική architectura architecture architettura architektur ιταλία ιταλική italia italy italian italiana italiano italiani italien italienische italie italienne view of the acropolis in cumae foundation temple apollo and sacred street via sacra road cuma