Achilles killing Troilus. Left side panel of the sarcophagus with scenes of the Trojan war (Iliupersis sarcophagus)
Proconnessian marble. Mid-2nd cent. CE.
99 × 73 cm.
Inv. No. 6722.Mantua, Ducal PalacePhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Achilles killing Troilus. Left side panel of the sarcophagus with scenes of the Trojan war (Iliupersis sarcophagus).

Proconnessian marble. Mid-2nd cent. CE.
99 × 73 cm.
Inv. No. 6722.

Mantua, Ducal Palace
(Mantua, Palazzo Ducale (reggia dei Gonzaga)).

Sabbioneta, collection of Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna. Since 1915 in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantova.
© 2011. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
Data: museum annotation.
Keywords: γλυπτική sculptura sculpture sculptural scultura skulptur ρωμαϊκό roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines κηδεία funeral funerary funeraria funerario begräbnisskulptur beerdigung funéraire ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ἀχιλλεύς αχιλλέας achilleus achilles hero eroe achille heros achill héros τρωΐλος τρωίλος troilus troïlos troilo σαρκοφάγος σαρκοφάγους sarcophagus sarcophagi sarcofago sarcofagi sarkophag sarkophage sarcophage sarcophages proconnessian marble relief trojan war sack of troy sacco di troia iliupersis iliou persis inv no 6722