Inscription from the Curiae Veteres in honour of emperor Augustus
CIL. VI. 40307 = AE. 1996. 246.
Luna marble. 55—56 CE.
Height 0.76 m, width 2.1 m, depth 0.035 m, height of the letters 0.028—0.045 m.
Hall 5.
Inv. No. 574363.Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of DiocletianPhoto by Ilya Shurygin

Inscription from the Curiae Veteres in honour of emperor Augustus.

CIL. VI. 40307 = AE. 1996. 246.
Luna marble. 55—56 CE.
Height 0.76 m, width 2.1 m, depth 0.035 m, height of the letters 0.028—0.045 m.
Hall 5.
Inv. No. 574363.

Rome, Roman National Museum, Baths of Diocletian
(Roma, Museo nazionale romano, Terme di Diocleziano).

Rome, piazza del Colosseo, the excavations of Meta Sudans, between the Arch of Constantine and Meta Sudans, 1989.
CIL. VI. 40307 = AE. 1996. 246.

Imp(eratori) Caisari Divi f(ilio)
pontifici maximo, co(n)s(uli) XI,
tribunicia potestat(e) XI.

To Imperator Caesar Augustus, the son of Divine, pontifex maximus, consul 11 times, invested with tribunician power for 11th time.

© 2015. Photo: Ilya Shurygin.
© Text and description of the inscription: Epigraphic Database Roma.
© 2016. Translation from Latin: O. V. Liubimova.
Keywords: epigraphia epigraphy inscription iscrizione epigrafia epigraphik epigrafik inschrift épigraphie roman romano romana romani römisch römische romaine honorary onoraria ehreninschrift honorifique luna marble luni marmo lunense signallers curiae veteres ae 1996 246 cil vi 40307 imperatori caisari divi filio augusto pontifici maximo consuli xi tribunicia potestate aenatores imperator caesar augustus pontifex maximus potestas consul inv no 574363