Volute-krater depicting the journey of Orpheus to the Underworld. Detail: Hermes, Heracles and Cerberus, Hecate
Red-figured volute-krater. Apulia.Attributed to The Underworld Painter.
Clay. Ca. 330—310 BCE. Munich, State Antique CollectionPhoto by Egisto Sani
Volute-krater depicting the journey of Orpheus to the Underworld. Detail: Hermes, Heracles and Cerberus, Hecate.
Red-figured volute-krater. Apulia.
Attributed to The Underworld Painter.
Clay. Ca. 330—310 BCE.
Attributed to The Underworld Painter.
Clay. Ca. 330—310 BCE.
Munich, State Antique Collection
(München, Staatliche Antikensammlungen).
From Canosa.
This detail shows the twelfth and latest labor assigned to Heracles (Hercules) by king Eurysteus: the Cerberus’s capturing; the hero wearing the lion fur is dragging off Cerberus on a lead while Hermes points the way.
(cc) 2012. Photo: Egisto Sani (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0).
Exhibition “Die Unsterblichen Götter Griechenlands” (Munich).
Exhibition “Die Unsterblichen Götter Griechenlands” (Munich).
Keywords: κεραμικά ceramics clay terracotta ceramica keramik céramique ελληνική μυθολογία mythologia graeca greek mythology mitologia greca griechische mythologie grecque ἡρακλῆς ηρακλής herakles heracles èracle eracle héraclès ἑρμῆς ερμής ἑρμείας hermeias hermes ermes ermete hermès νοτιοταλικό southitalian southern italy mezzogiorno meridione süditalienisch süditalien suditalien κέρβερος kerberos cerberus multi-headed three-headed dog cane tre più teste cerbero mehrköpfigen dreiköpfiger hund zerberus plusieurs têtes trois cerbère ἐρινύς ερινύες εὐμενίδες ευμενίδες erinyes erinys eumenides erinni eumenidi erinnyen érinyes érinnyes euménides ἑκάτη εκάτη dea hecata hecate hekate goddess ecate hekat göttin déesse hécate σίσυφος sisyphus sisyphos sisifo sisyphe apulian red-figure red-figured crater krater volute-crater volute-krater apulia volute attributed to the underworld painter twelfth feat labour exploit of hercules ercole erinyen winged staff kerykeion caduceus caduceo hermesstab sandals chlamys fastener clasp lighted burning torch torches garment garments clothes clothing footwear footgear endromis gesture