Architectural composition with a mask and a hanging hare
Fresco from Pompeii (VI. 17. 41).
40—30 BCE.
118 × 60 cm.
Inv. No. 9847.Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXIXPhoto by Luigi Spina

Architectural composition with a mask and a hanging hare.

Fresco from Pompeii (VI. 17. 41).
40—30 BCE.
118 × 60 cm.
Inv. No. 9847.

Naples, National Archaeological Museum, Hall LXIX
(Napoli, Museo archeologico nazionale, Sala LXIX).

Pompeii, House of the library (VI, 17, 41).
Pompeii, VI. 17. Insula Occidentalis 41, House of the library, north wall of cubiculum 17, 27th October 1759.
Google Cultural Institute.
© Photo: Luigi Spina.
2019. Add. information:
Keywords: ζωγραφικήί pictura ars picturae painting pittura malerei peinture ρωμαϊκές roman romana romano romani römisch römische römisches römischen römischer romain romaine romains romaines πομπηία pompeii pompeian pompei pompeiano pompeji pompeianischen pompejanischen pompéi pompéien 2nd second style secondo stile zweiten stil deuxième φρεσκογραφία τοιχογραφία νωπογραφία wall fresco frescos frescoes opera parietale murale opere parietali murali affresco affreschi freskomalerei frischmalerei wandmalerei fresko fresken fresque fresques pintura mural architecture architectural composition motive motives motif motifs architettura composizione architettonica motivo architettonico motivi architettonici architektur architektonische komposition architektonisches motiv architecturale architecturaux αρχιτεκτονική σύνθεση theatrical mask masks maschere maschera teatrale theatermaske theatermasken masques masque de théâtre θεατρική μάσκα columna column colonna kolonne säule colonne κολόνα στύλος insula occidentalis house of the library vi 17 41 casa della biblioteca ordo corinthius corinthian order capital ordine corinzio capitello korinthische ordnung kapitell kapitäl säulenknauf ordre corinthien chapiteau κορινθιακός ρυθμός κιονόκρανο cannelure cannelures scanalatura scanalature kannelüre kannelüren hare hares lepre lepri hase hasen lièvre lièvres λαγός λαγοί inv no 9847